Building a Strong Leadership Team in the Food and Beverage Industry.

A strong leadership team is the backbone of any successful enterprise, especially in our sector. Building such a team requires careful planning, a strategic mindset, and the right approach. At a high level, here are several common traits we’ve seen in our most successful clients:

1. Clear Vision:
Start by defining a clear vision that aligns with your company's objectives and values. Identify the key characteristics & behaviors that your organization values. Ensure that this is communicated consistently, and demonstrated by every leader. One challenge in our industry is the relatively high turnover and the large number of geographically dispersed employees. Strong communication & commitment to a clear vision improves alignment and increases the probability of hiring the right people.

2. Hiring the Right Talent:
Many organizations are excellent at identifying a role’s technical skills. For example, if you’re hiring a CFO, the focus might be on the CFO’s relationship with major banks & funds and the number of successful prior transactions. Far less time is spent on evaluating the affective behaviors of the individual, or whether they fit at an instinctive level. If a person does not fit at all three levels, the already difficult task of building a high-performance culture becomes nearly impossible.

3. Fostering a Culture of Collaboration:
Create avenues for open communication and an environment that promotes collaboration, and teamwork. Encourage your team members to share ideas and contribute towards achieving common goals. Emphasize that everyone's input is valuable, and allow for constructive feedback. A culture of unity and collaboration fuels innovation and helps individuals to learn from their peers and thrive.

4. Nurturing a Sense of Belonging:
Create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels valued. Celebrate achievements and embrace diversity within the team. A sense of belonging empowers teams to overcome challenges.

5. Developing Leadership Skills:
Our industry is changing rapidly. Tastes & flavors change frequently, and skilled labor is nearly always a challenge. Our economy is fragile, and our regulatory environment is in flux.

Our clients pride themselves on having highly adaptive leaders. How can you improve your team’s performance and enhance succession planning? The most important part is to identify consistent gaps in your learning and development process and find effective ways to fill them. This doesn’t need to be an expensive process. For example, is your company leveraging MMOCs (like Coursera) or your local colleges to develop your future leaders?

Easy to write, much harder to execute. Regardless of your organization’s size, you can build a high-performance team.

Samir Wagle